Spring Seminar Series 2024

The public is invited to join us during the semester for our Wednesday seminars at 3:30 p.m. Join remotely via Zoom. Graduate student talks are by invitation or internal only.

Sponsored by the Barbara and Richard Rosenberg Institute for Marine Biology & Environmental Science

S24 Seminar Schedule

Date Speaker and Seminar Title

Feb 7

Christina Pasparakis, Assistant Professor in Dept. of Environmental Toxicology, Bodega Marine Laboratory/UC Davis

Embryos to ecosystems: Integrating studies at multiple levels of biological organization in aquatic toxicology

Bio and Abstract  |  Watch the recording

Feb 14

Angela Szesciorka, Research Associate, Oregon State University

Changing whale migration in a changing planet

Bio and Abstract 

Feb 28

Elora López-Nandam, Research Scientist, California Academy of Sciences

Spawning, Genomics, and Regeneration

Bio and Abstract  |  Watch the recording

Mar 6

Bradley Tolar, Assistant Professor, University of North Carolina Wilmington

Combining Field- and Laboratory-Based Analyses to Characterize how Ammonia-Oxidizing Archaea Respond to Changing Conditions

Bio and Abstract 

Mar 20

Sheldon Gen, Professor, San Francisco State University

Policy Advocacy for the Environment – Need, Progress, and Challenges

Bio and Abstract  |  Watch the recording

Apr 3

Elizabeth Bradfield, Writer/Naturalist, Brandeis University

Art, Ecology, Poetry: Playing with Facts, Fact-Checking Creativity

Bio and Abstract 

Apr 10

Sara Baguskas, Terrestrial Biogeographer, Associate Professor, School of the Environment, San Francisco State University

Why coastal fog matters to ecosystems from a basic and applied perspective  

Bio and Abstract  |  Watch the recording

Apr 17

Sarah Gignoux-Wolfsohn, Assistant Professor, University of Massachusetts Lowell

Recovery in the Anthropocene: When and how do populations survive disturbance?

Bio and Abstract  |  Watch the recording

May 1

EOS Center Graduate Students

May 8

KQED Deep Look

May 15

Brent Hughes, Associate Professor, Sonoma State University

The restoration of California's imperiled vegetated marine ecosystems

Bio and Abstract