Contact the Interim Executive Director
Welcome to the Estuary & Ocean Science Center! I am very pleased to be the interim Executive Director as of June 2022. My research and teaching as a San Francisco State Professor of Biology has been based at the EOS Center for more than 18 years. As such, I have a deep understanding of the complexities of the Romberg Tiburon Campus and the difficulties of maintaining its 53 acres and legacy Navy buildings to support our research, teaching, and community engagement mission of connecting science, society and the sea for a healthy planet. I am one of the biggest cheerleaders for our science and our students, with an unwavering appreciation for the unique opportunity that our bayside location presents to our research and educational pursuits. As the only marine and environmental science laboratory on San Francisco Bay, we launch our small boats right out into estuary ecosystems to conduct our studies. We use our flow-through baywater system to simulate bay conditions and reveal the critical ecological, chemical, and physical interactions that drive ecosystem functioning. We use our shoreline as a living laboratory to engage our students and community members in surveys and experiments. We examine field-collected samples in our laboratories and evaluate spatial patterns in processes. Finally, we use our findings to support decision making in conservation and management. I am never more proud than when I see our graduates across the table (or video screen) applying their learning from our programs to solving difficult resource management issues in the San Francisco Estuary, the state of California, and beyond.
We are facing difficult financial times at our university, and I seek to strengthen and develop partnerships to help us continue to meet our research, teaching, and outreach goals at our campus in Tiburon. Learn more about our vision for the future here. Go here to learn more about why we critically need to fundraise to ensure a bright future for our students and our programs.
Please be in touch if you’d like to learn about ways to lend a hand!
Katharyn Boyer
Interim Executive Director