Fall Seminar Series 2024

The public is invited to join us during the semester for our Wednesday seminars at 3:30 p.m. Watch live on Zoom. Graduate student talks are by invitation or internal only.

Seminar Schedule Fall 2024
Date Speaker and Seminar Title

Sept 4

Stephanie Pau, Associate Professor, UC Berkeley

Investigating grassland biodiversity with eyes in the sky and boots on the ground

Abstract and bio | Watch the recording

Sept 11

Luke Thompson, Associate Research Professor, NOAA/AOML & MSU/NGI

Plankton community dynamics in the northern Gulf of Mexico

Abstract and bio

Sept 25

Chris Wilcox, Research Scientist, University of Tasmania

Building tools to reduce illegal fishing and improve the condition of marine protected areas

Oct 2

no seminar

Oct 9

Research in Progress Talks

EOS Center Graduate Students

Oct 16

Amy L. Freestone, Senior Scientist & Managing Director, Marine Invasions Research Lab, Smithsonian Environmental Research Center

Biogeography of Predation and Impacts on Marine Invasions in the Tropics

Oct 23

no seminar

Oct 30

Mark Ohman, Distinguished Professor of the Graduate Division, Scripps Institution of Oceanography

Inciting a new view: novel in-sights from in situ sensing with the autonomous Zooglider

Nov 6

Kathryn Beheshti, Principal Investigator, University of California, Santa Barbara

Restoring California's coastal foundation species

Nov 13

Alyssa Griffin, Assistant Professor, University of California, Davis

The role of coastal marine sediments in carbon cycling from local to global scales

Nov 20

Leora Nanus, Associate Professor, School of the Environment, SFSU

Atmospheric nitrogen deposition and critical loads for aquatic ecosystems

Dec 4

Research in Progress Talks

EOS Center Graduate Students

Dec 11

Research in Progress Talks

EOS Center Graduate Students

Dec 18

IMES Lightning Talks Mini-Symposium

EOS Center Graduate Students