Rosenberg Institute Seminar Series - Priya Shukla
Resisting Global Change: Oyster Aquaculture in an Era of Marine Heatwaves
Interest in aquaculture has recently been increasing as fisheries landings continue to plateau. Oysters are the primary aquaculture product in Northern California, where upwelling-driven nutrients foster their growth in estuaries. However, as climate change progresses and temperatures rise, marine heatwaves (MHWs) are becoming more frequent and intense and may propel pathogen transmission. Thus, exploring strategies for increase oysters’ ability to withstand MHWs and disease outbreaks is critical. In this study, I explore how a two-week stress hardening period via thermal priming and tidal exposure affects multiples oyster species’ ability to tolerate a simulated 72-hour heatwave in the lab and survive the onset of Ostreid herpesvirus (OsHV-1) in Tomales Bay, California. I will also share outcomes of a synthesis exploring the global spread of OsHV-1 variants and infections in non-Ostreid species.
Priya Shukla (she/her) is a PhD candidate in Ecology at UC Davis. She is working with the Hog Island Oyster Company to explore strategies for improving oysters’ survival in the face of marine heatwaves and disease. She is currently a UC Davis Dissertation Year Fellow and working with California Ocean Science Trust as a Science Engagement Specialist. Priya also has a column with Forbes Science where she talks about climate change and ocean science. Priya received her Bachelor’s from UC Davis in Environmental Science and Management and is an alumna of the Ecology Master's program at San Diego State University.